5 Quick Tips for Successful Marketing


by Sharon Edwards



Brand Development: Know Your Audience

Before you spend your hard earned money on any sort of advertising, it is important that you have a well-thought out plan in place. Here are some important things to think about before you spend a dime:

1) Who are your target customers, and what interests them? Remember, EVERYONE is NOT your customer. Being able to narrow your targeting down to people most likely to buy your product or service is key to getting the best return on your investment.

2) What is a feasible budget for your business? You want to invest your money wisely. Make sure your budget is enough to make an impact, but not so much that it could put you out of business.

3) What are your goals? For example: Do you want to gain awareness for your brand, increase sales for current clients, introduce a new product or service, or gain new customers?

4) What makes your product or service better than your competition?

5) How are you going to measure the effectiveness of your advertising? Using tools like Google Analytics and Facebook Insights are great tools for giving you an inside look as to how your customers are finding you.

In the world of marketing, planning for success is the most important step in a successful campaign. If you need help figuring out the best plan for your business, be sure to give us a call or send us an email! We look forward to helping you PLAN FOR SUCCESS!

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